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Emma Jane

The 6 Items

My Favourite Products in my Bathroom Right Now

Here's a little something different for you all. As the colder and harsher weather is drawing in and my dog becomes more of a menace inside as she can't fathom adventuring into the rain, I've decided to take a look at what I actually have in my many bathrooms; all seem to hold something different, almost as if 3 separate women live here. We all know how delicate the skin is and how the winter months can take its toll so we all adopt a slightly different skin care regime. I don't know how everyone else takes on this immense challenge but here is my take.

Taking the colder turn into account I have found the hygge way of living, it's about embracing the home baked cosiness; I will touch more on this in future blog posts. From hygge I branched off into minimalism. I decided it was time to declutter, sell what was unloved and needed a new accepting home. I have been all around the house - not venturing into the upper room, that can wait until I start uni again, that's a how other task in itself - top to bottom I have searched and found what I needed and what I wanted but never necessary used. Leading me to my bathroom. I had to really think about what it was that I should keep, so I thought "hey!" lets review and why not write it into a post.

So here goes, you are to experience a complete beauty novice writing honestly but not necessarily knowledgable about their favourite projects.

Two words here, Body Shop. Now for those who don't know me personally, I am a vegetarian and have been for quite some time now. I am very much about clean and healthy living, constantly on the look out for the newest - and cheapest - organic, non-toxic products. Body Shop is always a winner. But this clay mask is something on a whole other level. Refreshed is a an understatement. I have been wearing a lot of makeup that always seems to be sweated off during my shift at work, so I am undergoing a cleanse. Calling Body Shop, "save me from my selfish, skin torturing ways!" This mask is one of those that you leave on for 10 minutes they say but I tend to leave it on until it has formed a nice crisp layer and has successfully transformed me in to Shrek. Washing away/ Scrubbing away with warm water, to reveal dewy new skin. 

Whats a bonus with this product is the smell. Who can deny the luxurious smell Body Shop creates, and I am obsessed with anything tea tree, the smell just reminds me of health and freshness. It leaves you're skin smelling like this, 3 senses check - I'm so in. This is for sure something which I will keep on re-buying. There has been on other Body Shop face mask which i have tried and it was from their sea weed range, their clay one i believe. Now, OH MY WORD, that did work! The tingling made you feel it working, and when taken off every little blemish was to never be seen again. I tend to orientate between the two and tend to do a mask every other day, just because of what I put my skin through.

Now who can live without body butter. This is a hard no to being thrown away in my clear out. This is my go to product when I am feeling tired both physically and mentally. After a long hot bath applying this soothes the skin which it turn calms the brain. I work a full time job which on the week ends is a club like atmosphere so the strain I put on my body is high (not on all weekends I work). Alcohol maybe fun when you are one side of the bar but as soon as you get to that other side it puts you off for life, that for sure.

Any away! These long, alcohol soaked days can do damage if not properly taken care of; I actually used to get my nails done every 3 weeks because they just break otherwise, the state they are in now is actually disgusting - one must make the effort to try to look more presentable. Thats on the to-do-list. The body butter has help keep my hands for forming callus' on my hands, and prevents them from drying out. And generally manages to take the smell of sambuca of my finger tips. My nails still aren't in the greatest shape but they don't look as bad as they have done. I am yet to try it on my feet, but I am praying it softens up the old heels.

I am going to keep this short and simple. This stuff works! If you struggle with spots, blemishes, black heads, anything in that calibre, then this is the product for you. Earlier this year I was struggling so bad with spots and oily skin, and obviously the more spots I managed to obtain the more make up I would wear to cover these up; like the fool I am. Which everyone knows the story, makes things ten times worst. But as soon as I started to use this than began to clear up with in a week. 

The best part is all the ingredients are organic and animal friendly; which just makes this serum ten millions times better.

This my good friends has been a god send. As I have previously mention I do indeed work a full time job so this summer I have found it extremely difficult to venture out into the summer and top up my tan. Believe me, just looking at the sun and my skin turns golden, but thats if I actually get to do this. I started to use the spray/foam (depending on how I was feeling) once a week, just to keep things interesting and not making me look like a little death rat compared to every other brit out there. Then money became a little tight and I had to let that one go. Instead I only bring this bad boy out when there is a special event; so far I've had a wedding and a christening which got the special treatment. 

Whether you are using weekly or for a special occasion this should definitely be your go to product. From personal use I found that it left no streaks, the colour was a glorious golden brown (not the vibrant orange most are afraid of) and its so easy to apply. I used the light/medium as I didn't want to start off to strong, I wanted to build the colour, but I've seen pictures of the dark one and oh my word it makes me want to make money just so I can use this all the time again. Also... Coconut!! The smell is just delightful.

After my recent trial and error with fake tan products I decided to keep it in the family and try the liquid gold. I don't know about you but I have seen a lot of buzz about this recently. Its more of a gradual tan than the foam. However it creates the same affect, coconutty golden brown perfection! So instead of using this weekly I began using it every other day after I had showered, by doing this I was still able to exfoliate without affecting the tan too much as I reapplied straight afterwards. Because I was doing it with a day in-between it didn't turn to the fake looking side of things, instead creating an even glow, which was easily maintained - best thing to say and hear for the lazy people like me. 

Unfortunately the laziness overcame me and this product ended up at the back of my bath room shelf. I have every intention to regain the motivation but the winter is coming so I may embrace my pasty looks from a little while longer.

Dove Silk Glow

When it comes down to shower gel I very rarely go anywhere else than Dove. In my opinion it has one of the nicest smells and it leaves you skin looking and feeling truly delightful. Its one of them things I have grown up with and something I will never change. My favourite by far is the silk glow because sometimes I have all these different smells going on that adding another floral scent is too much; where as the smell is silky, a more of a musk I would say.

There we are, these are the items that have and will always sit, maybe not to the front but always there, on my selves. I definitely plan on branching out a little a trying a few wacky products that are on the market (especially that foot peel mask, looks incredible!) So more is to follow my friends, watch out.

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