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Emma Jane

The Shoe Graveyard

I have mention my aspiring job, or lack of at the moment. The fashion world in all of it's glory - my moaning is getting old, I know. To earn the pretty penny I have ventured into the world of bar tending, you want a gin making or beer pouring, I am your women; or maybe even the deep fried food cooking. With my fashion background I do like to make myself look presentable, especially when it comes to shoes.

Where it all began.

Ever since I was little my lovely mother has drilled into me that as long as you have a decent pair of good quality shoes then the world is your oyster. It is one of the first things you notice about a person. Many could try and disagree but trust me on this. People try not to be so judgemental, I try to as my inner yogi would be pushing me to do so, but it happens. You wouldn't necessary judge someone on the clothes hanging off their back but you do notice it and you will make assumptions. If someone is wearing, lets say, a cheap pair of shoes from primark - they are beaten and worn down, holes in the sole - you may feel pity for them or may be trying to understand the situation they are in. Its human instinct, we think, and we over think a lot. Thats if someone is walking past you in the street, now imagine if that same person is serving you; maybe at a posh upper class restaurant or even in your local pub. You mind will be going into over drive, if they can't look after their appearance what are they doing to my food? If they can't polish their shoes, do they wash their hands? Have I got poo in my drink? Okay maybe not that far but its the truth, not mean, not judgemental, just straight up facts. This is why I always try to have at least a few pair of shoes which I can switch between, especially if I am working 5 - 7 days consecutively. This way if one pair gives in I always know I have that trusty spare for extra care.

The journey to the graveyard.

I am constantly on my feet. I know what you're thinking, I like food which you'll see in the near future (I have many plans) my thighs are like thunder and that little bit of extra weight helps when we have an annoyance of a customer that needs to be removed. Anyway, this causes my shoes to wear within a couple of months. I have a lot of clarks shoes, zara shoes, I've tried the cheap new look shoes but they always end up wearing in the same place. I must have a beast of foot when it comes to the balls of my feet. My boyfriends is completely different, his massive toes likes to wave hello through the sole. I don't even want to think about the amount of money I spend on shoes, better off not know. But recently I have found my love for Vans again. Whats everyones go to shoe? Previously owning a few pairs and buying a new pair for work. They are such understated shoes, comfort and style with a little bit of class; who couldn't love that? Easy to keep them clean, they stay black and scuffs barely show. Well this is what it thought before I put them all next to each other. Damn my feet go through a lot. The shoes are battered so I can understand why my feet hurt from time to time. I found this pictures so cool as you can see the wear and tear of the shoes. Most bloggers I have seen post perfect pictures with perfect outfits (not all but most, and this isn't a dig, just what I've found). This is so not me though, I love things with a story. I love to create that story with my art, whether that is photography, fashion or illustration. So the process of the shoe deteriorating and seeing that in process over these 3 pairs of shoes was fascinating. I want to portray the life and a normal person, I may not travel around the world, I may not be wearing what has just come of the catwalks but I am real and I have stories to share. By doing this blog I am discovering a passion for new things and old things, I'm also finding myself and my personal style which I want to bring forward. I'm becoming more confident in myself again and I can't wait to start showing this new/but old Emma again and everything I have and am going to create.

Also if anyone owns a dog then they will understand this next picture. As I was perfecting the photoshoot this is what I was contending with.

Just look at them eyes. They pierce the sole.


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